Verbiage: After years of consulting for top wireless providers in the country, I learned there are two types of consultants. The first being those who conform to company culture and eventually adhere to the same rules and policies that inspired the company to call in consultants in the first place. The second type of consultant is your typical cowboy style bad guy. They come in, shake things up, make huge strides of progress by upsetting the "usual ways" of the company, then move on as they were actually able to finish their project.

The company I worked for (which we will refer to as Confluence Consulting) had been your type 2 consulting firm. We would go into a project and aggressively work toward completing our projects and getting out of the customers way so we could move onto our next customer. Of course, in doing so we would step on a lot of toes. Ineffective management/employees would be exposed by our ability to knock out a project that they had been spinning their wheels on for months if not years. This get in and get out mentality attracted high caliber employees who loved the constant challenge of new projects. Then, the Confluent Consulting became too big.

They figured out that there was more money in being a type 1 consulting firm vs being a type 2 consulting firm. Living up to the adage "If you're not a part of the solution, there's good money to be made in prolonging the problem". We quickly morphed from being an aggressive solutions provider to drone like staff augmentation. Granted, Confluence Consulting continued to grow and in the end they were consumed by one of the larger consulting companies who made their profits in the same manner.

I resigned from Confluence Consulting one year before they were consumed by the even larger consulting company, and started Jantis. We are your bad guys for hire. We only send in one person to your business to meet with your project managers and executives to assess exactly what it is you are looking for out of our company. If we feel we can deliver the services in the time period you define, we will accept the project and dive right in.

Throughout the project most of our staff will remain virtual. This helps us maintain our own company culture and work ethic by not having the challenges of integrating with your current staff. Our own project manager will tackle all on site challenges. Our staff off site will weave through the red tape and maybe step on a few toes to deliver you quick results to answer your needs.

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